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Anthony Sheler
(541) 704-7090
Albany, OR 
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Entries in sunset (3)


Haystack Rock

I took several shots of Haystack Rock, made somewhat famous in 1985's "The Goonies" and other movies. The sky was mostly clear at sunset, which wasn't lending much "drama" to the scene. But, I did get some nice angles of the rocks with some reflections in the water, or in this shot, the swath of smaller rocks and pools. I'll have some other shots of the rocks up on Flickr as well.


Sunset on Lake Owyhee

I believe this was the first night of our camping stay on the Owyhee Reservoir. I took several shots of the sunset across the lake and far edge of the canyon. One had a piece of driftwood in the foreground, but the cleaner look of the rocky shore won out. This is an HDR composite of several exposures in Photomatix, but I ended up masking back in the sky and the water from the original shots so much of the merging process was done manually in the end. There is a version of this photo available as a free wallpaper here as well.


Haceta Head

For sunset the other night, we decided to go down to Haceta Head, just North of Florence, Oregon. The lighthouse there is under repair but it's still a scenic area. I took several pictures during "magic hour" as the sun was dipping down toward the horizon. In this HDR shot, you can't quite see the lighthouse with all it's scaffolding because it's hidden behind some trees, but there's a nice view of the house up on the cliff with the two giant rocks leading out into the ocean. A father and daughter are prepparing to watch the sunset on the far right of the frame as well.