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Anthony Sheler
(541) 704-7090
Albany, OR 
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Entries in outdoor (1)


Weather or Not

Last Sunday, I did a portrait session with this adorable young lady. We had anticipated that it could rain and I suggested to her mom that a small umbrella might be a cute and fitting prop. As luck would have it, the session remained dry but we got some great shots with the umbrella. It had been windy earlier in the day and we caught a break from the worst of it as well. There was still a bit of a chill, but that didn't seem to phase her. She seemed very happy to be at the park and didn't mind the goofy guy with the camera moving around taking her picture. When needed, her parents were able to coax smiles and laughter using a few amusing smart phone apps just off-camera. This one of my favorites that I snapped while she played: