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Anthony Sheler
(541) 704-7090
Albany, OR 
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Entries in Giribaldi (2)


Coast Guard Practice

On the scenic train ride back to Rockaway Beach from Giribaldi, we saw the Coast Guard operating in the bay. It appeared that they were practicing helicopter ocean rescues. I kept shooting as the train went on Northward. I was using my telephoto lens from the shaky train. I had to keep the shutter speed pretty high to avoid blurring from camera shake, hence the nearly frozen rotor blades. Here is my favorite shot. It's from a ways out and I did get some much closer shots that I'll share on Flickr. I like this one with the rocks in the foreground on the left.


Steam Train

We just got back from a few days in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. I took a ton of photos, of course. I've started editing them and I'll try to post a few a week. Here's the first!

We started our vacation with a scenic steam train ride from Rockaway Beach down the coast to Garibaldi and back. The trip was 30 minutes both ways with a 30 minute stop in Garibaldi. Before we departed, I took some shots of the engine as it let off some steam while people boarded. There was still some fog rolling in off the ocean and it was about 1pm, so the sun was more or less directly overhead. Generally, that's not the best time for taking pictures, but this, and some of the others from the ride turned out well.