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Anthony Sheler
(541) 704-7090
Albany, OR 
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« New Lights! »

Hello all,

It's been a while since my last post, but the last month and a half have been a bit busy. I hope to start shooting and posting more again.

I recently picked up some new lighting equipment including several light stands, umbrellas and a flash mount. I wanted to do some test shooting so I bribed my favorite (and most difficult) subjects with a couple of biscuits... yes, they are our dogs, Mara and Chewie (Chewbacca). As difficult as it was to get them posed or capture their random poses, I think I got a few decent shots and an understanding of how I can best use the new lights and off-camera remote flash. The blanket they are on is not the best color for the tones in their fur, but it the dogs love it and it had already been sitting on the couch. I selectively toned down the color of the blanket in post to help make the dogs pop a little more. Here's a shot of the two of them together, which is rare to capture. More pics are on my flicker feed to the right if you're interested.

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