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Anthony Sheler
(541) 704-7090
Albany, OR 
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Working with Children

They say never to work with children or anmials. But, some times they are just too adorable not to. In this case, the young boy and girl were not difficult at all. I think the little girl was even sad when the shoot was over actually. She was very cute. It was an abbreviated session to get just one picture for use on the client's Christmas card. We did some family shots and some with just the kids in two locations around the client's home. here's one of my favorite's...


Festival of Lights

I visited the Grotto in Portland last night with my wife and in-laws for the Festival of Lights. It was a beautiful night without any rain. The amount of lights and decoration reminded me of the Griswald house from the movie "Christmas Vacation". I took a few nice HDR photos with some long exposures. I still have a couple more shots to work on. Here's a shot of the church all lit up and the blue strip on the right side is actually light projected on the elevator shaft that goes up to the top of the cliff. More pictures from the Grotto are on my Flickr Photostream.


Happy Thanksgiving!

My wife and I had an unusual, but tasty Thanksgiving day feast. Her family roasted a whole pig. It was like a luau with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. We named the pig "Hank" after the turkey in a recent episode of the TV show "New Girl" where they celebrated "Hanksgiving". Hank weighed almost 50 pounds so we all took home a generous portion of leftovers. There will be no turkey sandwiches this year... just grilled ham & cheese. :-)

Here's a picture I took of Hank:


Dog photo shoot

I took some pictures of our two Yorkies tonight on a whim. Here is one of my favorites. This is Chewie (short for Chewbacca). 



This is my first blog post on my new site. I may not be incredibly active here... because, quite frankly, I'd rather be out shooting or processing photos than typing. But, I'll try to post every now and then and hopefully only when I have something to say that's worth reading. So, for now, welcome to ASHDR Photography! I hope you like what you see.

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