Pre-Dawn Golden Gate Passage
Friday, January 4, 2013 at 10:00AM
Anthony Sheler in Golden Gate, HDR, San Francisco, bridge, sunrise

As I was hunting around for objects to rest my camera on in lieu of the tripod I'd forgotten to pack, (See previous post) I noticed a container ship heading into the bay. I knew that it would be hard to capture in the early morning light. I finally found a wooden recycling box on the edge of the lookout area that had a decent vantage point. Meanwhile, the area was really starting to fill up with photographers eager to catch the sunrise over the bay. Some had vintage cameras or an assortment of fancy gear. All had tripods and I was envious... But, with the camera resting on the box and steadied by my hand, I clicked away several "brackets" of shots to merge using HDR techniques. Here is the final compsition.


Article originally appeared on ASHDR Photography, Albany, Oregon (
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