da Vinci Days Setup
Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 10:00AM
Anthony Sheler in Corvallis, Da Vinci Days, Oregon, festival, park

I took somewhere around 2000 photos over the da Vinci Days festival weekend in Corvallis. That is not to say that they are all keepers. A few hundred will be though. I still have many to edit and there will be several more blog posts, I'm sure, with shots from the festival. This shot, I took early in the afternoon on Friday before opening. I was there to grab some shots of the setup, but I loved the look of the banners across the bike path through the park. Stay tuned for much more to follow from da Vinci Days!

Article originally appeared on ASHDR Photography, Albany, Oregon (http://www.ashdr.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.