The Painted Hills
Friday, June 15, 2012 at 10:00AM
Anthony Sheler in HDR, Landscape, Oregon, Painted Hills

On our way back from camping at Lake Owyhee last week, we stopped off at the painted hills. They are located in Eastern Oregon near the small town of Mitchell. We were lucky to get a quick break from the rain to enjoy the scenery... for only about 10 minutes. I was climbing up the half mile trail to the main overlook at the top, snapping pictures along the way, when it began hailing and I had to tuck the camera in my jacket and run back to the Jeep. Fortunately it didn't come down too hard and it was actually letting up a little by the time I was able to get inside. I think this might be the last shot I got off before it hit. I didn't venture back out for another attempt.

Article originally appeared on ASHDR Photography, Albany, Oregon (
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