Spouting Horn
Friday, March 2, 2012 at 10:00AM
Anthony Sheler in Oregon, Spouting Horn, coast, ocean

Near Cape Perpetua, a few miles south of Yachats, there is a small bridge over Cook's Chasm and a viewpoint area with a path down to the rocks on the North side. On the South side of the chasm, you can see what is known as the "Spouting Horn." When water rushes in with a wave, it is forced into an opening in the rocks which continues up and out through a small hole at the top. When the pressure builds up, it spouts some distance in the air. The spout can be very high depending on the size of the wave. Here is a shot I took of it last week.

Article originally appeared on ASHDR Photography, Albany, Oregon (http://www.ashdr.com/).
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